• Crohn’s Disease

    • Mock Webware

    Crohn’s Disease causes pain and inflammation. It can affect any part of the digestive tract, from mouth to anus but most commonly affects the small intestine and upper large intestine. Symptoms can include the following: Abdominal pain Severe diarrhea Fatigue Weight loss Malnutrition Blood in stool Fever Iron deficiency/ anemia Skin inflammation or rashes

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  • Ulcerative Colitis

    • Mock Webware

    Ulcerative Colitis causes swelling and sores (ulcers). It affects the large intestine (colon and rectum). Symptoms can include the following: Diarrhea with blood Abdominal pain and cramping Rectal pain Rectal bleeding Urgency to defecate or inability to defecate despite urgency Weight loss Fatigue Fever

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  • Conventional Medicine Approach

    • Mock Webware

    Conventional treatment for IBD generally includes a mix of the following: Medications Anti-inflammatory medications Antibiotics Corticosteroids Biologics Immunomodulators Surgery Remove the diseased bowel segment Full Colectomy Proctocolectomy Ileal pouch with ileostomy bag These medications can be helpful but some raise the odds of getting more serious infections and others can cause serious side effects such as widespread fluid retention, agitation and insomnia. 

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  • Naturopathic Medicine Approach

    • Mock Webware

    Following a comprehensive assessment by your Naturopath, treatment for addressing Crohn’s & Colitis includes a mix of dietary changes, nutritional medicine and herbal medicine therapies. Naturopathic treatment for IBD works in conjunction with conventional therapies to heal the intestinal mucosa and achieve remission. In addition, naturopathic therapies focus on minimizing symptoms during flare ups and preventing common nutrient deficiencies associated with IBD. Gut Repair is What We do. Book your appointment with Dr. Andresen and discover how naturopathic medicine improves inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and Colitis without causing adverse drug reactions.

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