About NDcare Clinic

  • Tara Andresen


Why Choose NDcare Naturopathic Clinics?

Many people today have just resigned themselves to feeling not their best…like it’s today’s “normal”. Whether its regular headaches, low energy, poor sleep, heartburn, constipation, IBS, foggy brain, food sensitivities, frequent infections and more!

Our mission at NDcare is to help you get better and then feel great – all the time, not just apply a band-aid fix. The Naturopathic medicine approach can truly get your own body to work the way it was designed, naturally. We like to say that it “turns your health superpowers back on.” Finally, a healthcare process that gets results and keeps you healthy!
You can:

  • Feel full of energy
  • Feel light and clear minded
  • Sleep deeply each night and wake full rested
  • Enjoy food without worrying about how your body will react
  • Be free of regular headaches and muscle tension
  • Experience a healthy menstrual cycle
  • Feel calm and able to handle stressors

Accessible Naturopathic Care

At NDcare Naturopathic Clinics, we strive to make Naturopathic services accessible. We have two convenient locations for in-person visits in Toronto, as well as our new virtual location online for video call appointments. In addition, we offer direct billing to insurance providers to save you the out of pocket expense.

Book your appointment with Dr. Tara Andresen at one of our conveniently-located Toronto naturopath clinics, or if you have questions, call or email us today.

